Modern anti-slavery statement - end of financial year 2019

Modern Anti-Slavery Statement 2019 / 2020


Cartridge Save recognises that modern day slavery and human trafficking is a worldwide issue and that the abolishment of slavery and trafficking is a global priority. Cartridge Save is committed to reducing the risk of slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain.


The purpose of this statement is to highlight the steps that Cartridge Save has taken in 2019 and set goals for 2020, to reduce the risk that slavery and human trafficking is present in Cartridge Saves operations or supply chain.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company's slavery and human trafficking statement for the company’s financial year, ending 31/12/2019.

Our Business

Cartridge Save is an online printer supplies retailer, selling printer consumables to businesses and home users throughout the UK. We provide reliable product quality, excellent value for money and high customer service levels to all our consumers. Cartridge Save is a limited company registered and operated in Stockport, UK.

Internal Risk Management

Cartridge Save ensures that all our employees have a safe work environment which is free from discrimination, including: gender, age, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability and national origin. In conjunction with this, we comply with all UK legislation, including UK labour laws.


Key purchasing staff have completed training in modern slavery provided by the chartered institute of purchasing. This training covers methods of detection, applicable legislation and risk factors involved in slavery and human trafficking. Companywide training has also been offered through the internal company handbook which is provided to all members of staff and is covered during the induction process. Part of this handbook explains what modern slavery is defined as and outlines the company’s policies and procedures to prevent and react to (evidence of) modern slavery.

Due Diligence In Our Supply Chain

Over the past several years, Cartridge Save has reviewed its internal structure to highlight where the main risks of slavery and human trafficking might be present. Using the global slavery index, we were able to identify the slavery risk level of our suppliers based on their geographical location. Our current supply chain consists of printer cartridge manufacturers, distributors and packaging manufacturers operating from a mixture of low, medium and high-risk areas of the world.

From publishing and circulating a self-assessment questionnaire to our suppliers, starting on a yearly basis from the 2018/2019 compliance year, we have been able to receive confirmation from all of our suppliers that they complied with local slavery and human trafficking laws. This questionnaire also highlighted that most of our high-risk suppliers frequently carried out regular site visits, document checks and audits of their own suppliers to check for violations in local slavery laws.

To ensure continued compliance from suppliers in medium and high (slavery) risk areas of the world, to comply with local slavery laws, Cartridge Save has included provisions in product supply contracts requiring our suppliers to not only comply with local human trafficking and slavery laws, but to also effectively manage this risk in their own supply chain.

Cartridge Save’s directors have also completed site visits to most of our high-risk suppliers. These site visits showed the workers operating in a clean and safe working environment and did not identify any risks of slavery and human trafficking.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Cartridge Save does not tolerate any form of slavery and human trafficking.

If provided with strong evidence that one of our supplier’s practices slavery or human trafficking, we will notify them of a 90-day deadline by which the supplier must provide strong evidence that the compliance issue has been resolved. At present we have not found any evidence of human trafficking and slavery in our supply chain.

Cartridge Save will never knowingly conduct business with organisations involved with slavery or human trafficking.

Moving Forward:

In the financial year of 2020, Cartridge Save aims to:

  • Implement standardised company procedures for the use of external service providers and contractors, including but not limited to: builders, recruitment agencies, cleaners and electricians.
  • Undertake further training to review what else Cartridge Save can do to tackle Modern Slavery.
  • Continue all existing slavery risk management measures including:
    • Anti-slavery provisions in supply contracts with suppliers based in medium and high-risk countries.
    • Zero tolerance policies toward slavery in our upstream supply chain with deadlines and penalties for non-compliance.
    • Staff education and awareness through policies, procedures and available training.

In the event that an un-mitigated slavery risk is identified, we will adapt our anti-slavery practices, controls, policies and procedures to ensure we keep pace with changing market risks.

At the end of 2020 we will review the success of our 2020 anti-slavery goals and set goals for 2021. By this process of improvement, we will reduce the risk of slavery occurring in the Cartridge Save supply chain.

Signed by :

Ian Cowley

Managing Director

31st March 2020